Adobe Photoshop Tutorial — Produce Scary Photos!

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Video tutorial posted 24/10/12

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
Our site has beginner, intermediate and advanced video tutorials of varying lengths so you can learn a new skill at your own speed and level. So whether you're a web designer, print designer or just wanting to edit some family photos, you can get to it quickly and easily using these free video guides. (more)
very unprofesioanl.
“Ah ba, bu bubayuyuyuya Mike Vallely BAM! what are you doyyugngn”- Don Vito
The dude in the picture IS already scary BEFORE photoshop “enhancement”… 😛
@CooperSnow you clearly had no idea who this was… its a “celebrity” headshot. even tho hes more well known because of a celebrity.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Buddy, it was scary enough at the beginning!
Hhaa intro ” Hi, I’m unconscious” lol
he made queite a lot of mistakes
Tha Bam margera Uncle. Don Vito!!! djhfldhsalghjdhahda u crazy bam!
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why not use layer mask???
0:56 was looking the best
why is your voice so sinfully boring?
this was very good!! but damn don vito that loser!???
WOW check his right eye:P
that look scary:P