After Effects Tutorial – 13 – Creating a Motion Sketch

After Effects Tutorial - 13 - Creating a Motion Sketch

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19 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 13 – Creating a Motion Sketch”

  1. pctechsupporthelp1 says:

    Great tutorial, love how easy it is to follow it 🙂

  2. MinecraftingNoob says:

    omg keyframes never end D:

  3. karthik krazzyone says:

    thats awesome….thanks for the tutorials
    kindly post some photoshop tutorials.

  4. JhamilleTJ says:

    ok so i reach 13 an dude i learned alot today u have been a great help thus far I now got after effects and this thing really isnt user friendly….I’m on the road to vid 39….how long did it take you to learn all of this O_O

  5. betje87 says:

    Mannnnn, If I knew this, it would have saved me hoursssss of work *_*. But now I know! 😀

  6. garrison744 says:

    ummm,download link for this?

  7. crackmaster88 says:

    i’ve downloaded all your tutorials in case that PIPA and SOPA show up xD

  8. Santosh Mishra says:

    you r the best on of all youtube tutorials

  9. GD Pudasaini says:

    so nice n great tutorial man..thanks a lot by my heart…

  10. elewint says:

    Is there a way to set keyframes for the value of an effect in real time? For example, I would like to have the motion sketch be just an up and down. That way I could have the contrast go up and down and have it recorded as keyframes.

  11. DJVarmian says:

    Ok, so. My smoother won’t work. What is more, I have no “smoothing” option in the motion sketch. What is the problem?

  12. feelingood50 says:

    I really hope you’re getting a real compensation for this great job ! Keep it up, always !

  13. mustdi39 says:

    Can we motion sketch in a 3d layer ? thanks

  14. florexus says:

    Thank you so much for this!!! Keep it up!!! Go ahead ^_^

  15. Hussein el-minabbawi says:

    thank guys .. great tutorial 😉

  16. EduardoCalcas says:

    You are always saying Go ahead…
    Stop with that!! -.-“

  17. wweratedman45 says:

    thnx these tutorials are the best keep up good work

  18. playerwild24 says:

    can u show us how to make a frame by frame schetch on adobe after affects , i looked for how to do it everywhere and i cant find it, yknow like drawing a stickfigure and make a cartoon , not like pivot…

  19. TheBadcop says:

    very helpful, thanks!

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