After Effects Tutorial – 5 – Editing the Animation Path

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Video tutorial posted 05/10/12
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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can you please post sammy psd file?
GREAT videos man ! You really helped me out ! I followed a tutorial from bur
T these guys could learn something from you bro 😀
hey thanks for teaching me how to after effect videos!!! now i can make great videos because of YOU
Nice job on the tutorials…
@pedrao15 can u make screen shoot since im rly begginer at it and i cant find it tnx m8 :))
make sure to press the little cronometrer
@ thenewboston Can u help me i cant see dot sequence betwen keyframes… :S
plz answer me as soon as possible 🙂
Sammy is my homey and thanks for Sammy and theses videos
You’ll need two keyframes for making an object stick to one place for a couple of seconds between movement. First one that makes the object be placed in the wanted position then a second that is a copy of the first that is put a couple of seconds later.
I can’t figure out a way to hold an object in place and then move it again a few seconds later? if i make another key frame it continues moving constantly.
man, can you please use “uuummmm” a little less times:D