C# Tutorial #4: Classes and Methods

C# Tutorial #4: Classes and Methods

In this new tutorial I will be going over classes and methods! Look forward to more tutorials soon! Head First C#: www.amazon.com
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18 responses to “C# Tutorial #4: Classes and Methods”

  1. Uberado says:

    Everyone else I know (Including me) have had no problems ‘cept for self errors in syntax. I’m thinking you just suck.

  2. richardlipp21 says:

    cool thxs i will check it out

  3. Xylogeist says:

    Voids are a special scenario, I think I cover them in a later tutorial in this series. And… once again.. for those of you who somehow haven’t realized it yet, this whole series is outdated, I have a new 10-video series on my channel that is far more useful than this one :-/

  4. richardlipp21 says:

    thanksl may i say that you told us that all methods have to return a value. but you should consider a method that is void???

  5. Xylogeist says:

    Mostly books and online searching. I’m actually not that great at C#, I just know general programming and can pickup pretty much any language I try out. A good language to start on is PHP, since it is simple and easy to comprehend, then move on to stuff like C++.

  6. dshih85 says:

    Ive been trying to learn C#/VS for years!! Thank gawd for these videos! I dont know if its because you sound around my age or what cause the way you teach is refreshing and i just get it! BTW nice that you play maple story and what is that background theme music, sounds familiar? sounds like something from Naruto, scott pilgrim
    or video game but i cant put my finger on it !!

  7. FTD0Productions says:

    Where did you learn this? books, online tutorial or in education?? thnanks because i need help remembering this stuff i remeber it fro about a day and then forget the stuff i just learn 2 days ago any tips???? thnx

  8. hellsing357 says:

    cool background music

    plus cool tutorial

  9. Xylogeist says:

    As am I 🙁

  10. ForNoReason1000 says:

    im surprised this vid hasn’t gotten more views…

  11. Pra5286 says:

    Cannon rock. Heh, badass.
    Also skip to 6:00 to get straight to classes. This is a really good tutorial. 🙂

  12. saburius says:

    Not every single method has to have a return value. This would be important to explain as it can confuse people just starting out. Void does not have a return value and in day to day development one will use this a lot. Nice video by the way and thanks for taking the time.

  13. Doddsy911 says:

    *You don’t need a return value for void.

  14. Xylogeist says:

    Posting another one tonight! It’l prolly be up in the next hour or so.

  15. Xylogeist says:

    Dunno, couple hundred or something. Im prolly going to apply for partnership when I get to 100 😛

  16. TheMitchel0 says:

    how many subscribers do you need?

  17. Xylogeist says:

    Wow, I wasnt aware people actually looked forward to these xD Ill have to start making them a lot more xD If only I could at least gety some subscribers so I can become a youtube partner or something… I want a cool banner xD

  18. MiiYgamer says:

    wooo :)

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