Dreamweaver Tutorial: Create a Favicon! -HD-

Dreamweaver Tutorial: Create a Favicon! -HD-

In thistutorial, you will learn how to create a favicon in Dreamweaver CS4. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE because there will be a new tutorial every week. Follow me on Twitter @RiverCityGraphx Like us on on facebook: on.fb.me Suggest tutorials at www.rivercitygraphix.com For project files, help forums, and more check out the website at http For business related inquires contact us at rivercitygraphix@yahoo.com

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17 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial: Create a Favicon! -HD-”

  1. godfailme says:

    yes this only works for firefox¡
    How do you make it work for any browser?

  2. thecluelessone1 says:
  • MaskedViolinist07 says:

    Yeah this only works in Firefox doesn’t show up in my Safari browser

  • Osmostasis says:

    thank you very much for this tutorial

  • Mostafa Ezzat says:

    not comitbable with all browser…just firefox

  • vievian68 says:

    Not working i don’t know why??

  • kakespisermannen says:

    easy way = convert picture to .ico file, name it favicon.ico, save it to the root of your site.
    99% of all web browsers will use it as favicon unnless you have anotherone defined in the sorce code =)

  • Filip Ivanovic says:


  • MrTeachings says:


  • hraj7777 says:

    didnt work

  • deeinkc says:

    Helpful video. Thanks!

  • futureman8 says:

    Nice job, thanks!

  • TheKDAProductions says:

    Awesome works AWEsome toooooo! Thanx !!
    P.S = Your Damn worth subscribing

  • glideordie says:


  • Tommie Green says:

    Not working for me either

  • tyguyone says:


  • 14jonny14 says:

    Works a treat.

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