Dreamweaver Tutorial – How to get a Twitter Widget for your Website

bit.ly Check out these great GoDaddy Hosting Plans! In this Dreamweaver Tutorial by James from www.dreamweavertutorial.co.uk , we will learn how to get a twitter widget, and add twitter to your website, the tutorial will be in Dreamweaver CS4 but will work with any version of Dreamweaver. You will learn how to manipulate the twitter html and learn how to make the twitter extension function best on your website. I hope you enjoy this widget for twitter website tutorial. Any questions, please leave a comment and don’t forget to subscribe! My website www.dreamweavertutorial.co.uk Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com My RSS Feed for Dreamweaver Tutorial updates: www.dreamweavertutorial.co.uk
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Video tutorial posted 02/10/12
Tags: Dreamweaver, Tutorial, Twitter, website, Widget

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wow this was easy, thanks!!
Okay, thanks :)
Hi matey,
Just looked at it in a bit more detail and i uploaded it to one of my sites that is live to test it and it works! This leads me to believe that the website needs to be live on the web fort to work!
Hope this helps,
Nope, never worked out. I had a problem with a Facebook feed app too, I had to delete part of the code to make it work which was pretty odd.
Hi Zephyrdia,
Did you find out how to get this working? DreamWeaverTuts doesn’t seem to be getting back to people on this subject?
im new to dreamweaver, i created the div tag and copied and pastied the widget code, still got nothing! HELP!
I’ve watched about 5 videos about the same thing and this just doesn’t work for me at all. I just end up with an empty div. What is going on?
Does anyone know how to make a feed like this without having twitter or share the conversation at the bottom?
Ok, so this worked fine and I have it positioned where I want it but I cannot see the twitter feed when I click ‘view in iExplorer’. This is really frustrating as it works when I view it in Chrome. Is there anyway this can be sorted?
If anybody needs too upload lots of files to their server host i recommend using Filezilla, that is a very handy tool.
Ugh! Everyone has vids on how to add widget to websites, blogs & facebook. HOW DO YOU ADD A FLOATING WIDGET or ICON IN A VIDEO. Like when ppl vids are showing & the little “Follow me on Twitter” pops up at the bottom or a little floating bird or cute icon w.their @ name?! HELP! Don’t have the feature in my Windows Movie Maker, just “add a title on selected clip”
i understood this tutorial pretty well and got it made but i am now wondering how i can get the twitter box on to my homepage of my website
it depends on how you have designed your page as to whether it will overlap. Generally margins push other elements away. You could float it to the right, you could position it absolutely, you could display it inline. Lots of ways. – James