Final Cut Pro and iMovie Tutorial: Professional workflow using imovie and FCP together

Final Cut Pro and iMovie Tutorial: Professional workflow using imovie and FCP together

Lots of people ask me why i use imovie before going to fcp. Well in this movie I will take you through my workflow and explain why i use imovie as well as fcp.
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7 responses to “Final Cut Pro and iMovie Tutorial: Professional workflow using imovie and FCP together”

  1. PAOPr0ductions says:

    I think imovie and final cut pro are like the same thing just final cut pro is so expensive.

  2. 55vadamee says:

    Okay, nice tutorial.

  3. TheSillySongmanvidz says:

    i dun made a youtube video gur-hu 🙂

  4. freeeeeemusic says:

    Just google for Aries-Films and download over 300 tools for video and audiot editing for PC and MAC.. its like goldmine for videoeditors

  5. thewitness2012 says:

    u sound like mac brown lol

  6. empowermac says:

    Eric, my man… Aren’t you working too hard here? We need to get together on this… I think you should just send your iMovie directly to YouTube. That’s what I do, and it works really well. Anyway, my next 12 part series will be on iMovie (thanks for the advice.) I’m learning a lot from you. I’m sure you could show me there are lots of good reasons to do it the way you do… Thanks very much for YouTube’s best Pro Apps tutorials!!

  7. verbalkint75 says:

    Great tut, Eric.
    I got a theory that the new Imovie could kill off final cut express; whats your take on this?
    Oh and where did you get that wicked desktop?

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