Fireworks CS4 Active Web Site layouts Tutorial – Custom Menus 2

Fireworks CS4 Active Web Site layouts Tutorial - Custom Menus 2

Part 2 – continuing creating custom menus and active browser in Fireworks CS4

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11 responses to “Fireworks CS4 Active Web Site layouts Tutorial – Custom Menus 2”

  1. jamaicandjnado says:

    dam son ur better than my college teacher

  2. squibby99 says:

    Great tutorials mate! They are perfect because you allow just enough for me to figure out things as I go, but you don’t get into too much detail yourself. Exactly what I needed for a mock-up of the site I want built!

  3. ginzagirl says:

    These Fireworks tutorials are the best I’ve seen. I now totally understand how to make rollovers and drop down menus. Your explanations and pacing are excellent! Please keep adding more tutorials!

  4. vzafer says:

    Excellent! Well, can you please show how I can add bookmark&share links (such as: tell a friend via fb, twitter, etc..) I haven’t been able to figure it out via cs4 so far:(

  5. loyaltycgc says:

    Thanks for the the tutorial, I found it very useful. However I just wanted to ask if a search bar can be done using Firework CS4 also?

  6. Salomon Bashir says:

    working with html and css is good but when I’m working with fireworks it’s really very fantastic yeah..because you do something and right now you can watch the result ..thanks

  7. PhoenyxKid says:

    thank you for making all this tutorials, your videos are realy great and helpfully

  8. klonoa5000 says:

    thanks i’v learned a lot on your tutorial hope you’ll make more video’s for fireworks

  9. cockerspanielhome says:


    Thanks for the tutorial, I really liked what you did with the menu bar 4 and more importantly with showing how to export it out to Dreamweaver, Sadly there are a lot of good tutorials but everyone else forgets to show you how to implement the work into Dreamweaver.


  10. clcrazy4horses says:

    awesome vid!

  11. george siguenza says:

    thank dude you tutorial helped me a lot!!!!!

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