Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create See-Through Ghost Photos

Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create See-Through Ghost Photos

Create an eerie see-through ghost photo using just a single image. This Photoshop tutorial is great for beginners and will show you how to quickly create a ghost photo using just one image. To follow this tutorial, you’ll need Photoshop CS5. Download the PSD: Subscribe to us! • • • Credits: • Narrated by Dean Wendt • Tutorial by Denny Tang
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18 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create See-Through Ghost Photos”

  1. Hurderr Derp says:

    What if your using CS6? I can’t Diffuse glow?

  2. 18672301372 says:

    ghost penguin! HA! love it

  3. djamiljo93 says:

    Thank you so much, It is so cool Love it 🙂 please more upload !!

  4. NikoLiberty1000 says:

    Lol ghost penguin

  5. RebecaDolLoverRubin says:

    This is awesome! Will it work on cs6 too?

  6. samurroller says:

    realy cool tutorial , I think it’s the best explanation

  7. Mithila Ahmed says:

    you make life so much easier. bless you <3

  8. SuperSpeedking13 says:

    Thank you very much , well explained, and very helpfull !!

  9. Zswasd says:

    black humor detected, converting the BLONDE to a SMART OBJECT hahahaha

  10. hak1111111 says:

    I like your voice 😀

  11. MrTuhinBagh says:

    bhuhahaha! now m gonna scare my sis with spooky stories 😛

  12. startphotography says:

    Perfectly explained. Thanks!

  13. TropicsImage says:

    ghost penguin!

  14. re4gamez says:

    scary haha :D

  15. Rubalcava00 says:

    You Make The Best Photoshop Tutorial!! Like! 

  16. anuj33in says:

    I have a picture, but i don’t know what type of effects are there, can you let me know about the details of that picture. Let me know on which e-mail i should send you the picture.

  17. Mustafa Öztürk says:

    Very nice work… Thanks …

  18. aidanunited says:

    As a beginner it was a great effect i used it to ghost Sir matt Busby on a picture of the 67cup winning team,thanks .

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