WordPress Custom Header Tutorial

WordPress Custom Header Tutorial

WordPress header tutorial for all kinds of different themes. www.2createawebsite.com The Genesis Lifestyle Theme Seen In The Video http (affiliate) My WordPress Tutorial www.wpstarterguide.com
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12 responses to “WordPress Custom Header Tutorial”

  1. howtobuildawebsite11 says:

    Wow good stuff.

  2. Geoff Frink says:

    Has anyone heard rumors that google is targeting and penalizing rankings for wordpress websites? I heard it was because many wordpress themes have a lot of “junk code” in them.

  3. erinairy says:

    still feel like i need a degree to understand and work out half of it, i’m not giving in though thanks for the advice it has helped 🙂

  4. mixsetup says:

    I have a question I am using the Mandigo Theme but when I insert code in to the top Widget I get 2 ads instead of just one any idea Thanks?

  5. huckaday says:

    If I choose another theme so I can customize my header without http://ftp...(currently use Atahualpa), will I lose the background color etc? I didn’t originally make this page and have been volunteered to update it so it is all new to me….this is a community football page and the background color is important because it is the team color….I am very new to this and am afraid that I wouldn’t be able to recover any customizing done previously. ( cowichanfootballcom )

  6. legalsolutions07 says:

    Lisa, on WordPressorg twenty-eleven theme, do you know how to decrease the height (I want to keep the text size of the business name and business description) of the white space that’s where the business name goes and just above where the header photo is?

  7. WordPressTutorialNow says:

    nice wordpress tutorial

  8. armantas jasiunas says:

    i just love you…

  9. 04jreggie says:

    How do you add paypal button?

  10. mykendallconnection says:

    Thank u!

  11. Beverly Matthews says:

    Thank You so much…

  12. Coleridge208 says:

    Thanks for posting.

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