After Effects Tutorial – 16 – Blending Modes

After Effects Tutorial - 16 - Blending Modes

Part 17 – Make sure and subscribe for all the latest videos! visit my website at
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15 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 16 – Blending Modes”

  1. schtals says:

    Quick answer: PRESS F4. 

  2. lvivtotoro says:

    but the ones who have x86…

  3. BartjeOstend says:

    bad people :p

  4. BartjeOstend says:

    vegas is more user friendly but Ae is soooo much better, takes som time to learn it but it’s worth it !

  5. haris nizamani says:

    thanx alot man for that tutorials thanx alot man love u !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Kazza4996 says:

    Thank you the tutorials are great 🙂

  7. bondjamesbond12 says:

    Thanks,but I’m find Sony Vegas more user friendly.

  8. Arens Myzyri says:

    when u create the compilation at first step thats where u add the compilation time. 🙂

  9. FTWtrickshotz says:

    Idf you think about it, probaly around 100,000 people downloaded adobe after effects for free

  10. sanandreastutorial14 says:

    no top comments? hmmmmm…. SHOES! (is there something wrong?)

  11. VONZIPPERCRW says:

    Dude!!!! U´r awesome! Luv ur chanel!!!!!!

  12. TonToLT says:

    Thank you !!!!!!

  13. TheColorlessEye says:

    thanks, this helped a lot!

  14. TheFortressKid says:

    <<< TF2, Minecraft and Let's Plays always daily content in HD. Tips, Tutorials and edits bonus!!

  15. swastikrocker123 says:

    you can increase it under comp menu :)

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