After Effects Tutorial – 38 – Freeze Frames

After Effects Tutorial - 38 - Freeze Frames

How to create a freeze frame properly in After Effects.
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24 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 38 – Freeze Frames”

  1. db0lover says:


  2. sephiros9999 says:

    I want a graphedicle T_T

  3. MC90RO says:

    I succexfully got your tut in practice, thank you.

  4. benvidproductions says:

    It’s way easier to do this in premiere, just put your scrubber on the frame you want to freeze and export the frame (or hit the camera button in your sequence viewer, in cs5.5) and cut the clip in half with the razor and just stick the exported frame back in your timeline in the middle of your cut clip, this will save you 20 minutes

  5. Brian Bledsoe says:

    learning how NOT to do something is sometimes more beneficial than learning how to do something..

  6. EdEditz says:

    Checkout my tutorial on creating freeze-frames inside moving footage. Really cool effect as seen in the CorridorDigital video ‘Photoreal’. You can find the tutorial at: com

  7. Sanch6S says:

    bro next time don’t waste 4 mins telling us what not to do

  8. kirksteph says:

    Hey this is great but is there a way of creating multipul freeze frames in the one video clip?

  9. deepak dhilip says:

    Perfect Tutorial..Best available on the net. Rock on man..!

  10. neehnahw says:

    What’s the problem with using Layer > Time > Freeze Frame?

  11. Chezkicol says:


  12. steef292 says:

    SucSEXfully, hihi

  13. TAG Vids says:

    I actually have a question for this tutorial. Instead of creating a “Freeze Frame”, the way you’re showing here, why not just go to the spot in your video, where you want to freeze, and take a “Snapshot”? Then split your video, and add the snapshot in between them. What would be the benefit of doing it this way? And what would be the deficit of doing it with snapshot? Just wondering because I also use Vegas Pro and since they have no “FF” option that is how I do it.

  14. stevestkkts says:

    thx men! it’s not so easy like in adobe premiere but thx a lot.. now i don’t need to switch the programms only for a freeze frame ^_^

  15. KameronKincadeMusic says:

    For Mac users. To go forward one frame, hold command and then hit the right arrow key. To go backward one frame, hold command and hit the left arrow key.

  16. sihabib says:

    I don’t have PageDown in my MacBook, what’s the alternate? Any menu option or button in the interface for “going to next frame”?

  17. 1boompje says:

    tnx works for me

  18. XArticRageX says:

    Thanks 🙂 I subbed (In other words THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH GREAT VIDEO!!!!!)

  19. TejkA8 says:

    sweet man! thank you!

  20. MadskillZ107 says:

    I think this is my first youtube comment ever: AWESOME. Finally someone who explains it so even I can understand it. Thanks mate, keep up the good work!

  21. ChimpEatsBanana says:

    Thank you! =D

  22. Ravi Kiran says:

    thank you 🙂

  23. MadeToBeUnique says:

    Excellent tutorial, thanks so much for sharing!!!

  24. JorgeAlonsoMendoza says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH.!!! i was looking for a tutorial like this for a while

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