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Video tutorial posted 05/11/12
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials
Tags: Architectural, Tutorial

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HOOOOOOLY SHIT now that was cool
Thats looks so cool … but who could actually keep up when the menus are there one second and gone the next … Maybe do also a slower version so that at least it can attempted to be replicated 🙂
Kdo sem přišel kvůli Rytmuse ? 😀
its so easy not like wat you think but colors hard to have it or pic for coloring
It looks real . Damn!
Nice Work ,There are lights in your ceiling but light source is some where it seems ,any specific reason?
Ur video is of no help … Im sorry to say …
how can I get the finished version with materials.
:)) woaw, that escalated quickly!
hello, i thought this was supposed to be a tutorial, not a music video
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1. make a box
2. make a teapot
3. add a little details
4.get top architectural render.
1. make a box.
2. make a bed
3. make a lamp
4. press F9 and get a realistic render
haha :p
im 14 years old, and i really want to make that in 2 minutes 😀
….what really bothered me right now isnt that i dont know what the helk you just dide…what really bothered me IS THAT I WANT THE SONG NAME !!
i don’t believe it, it’s just photographed
DAFUCK!!!! i am sure yo’re gonna get lots of fanz in youtube if yo giv these tutorials for free!! btwn SUBSCRIBED!! 😉
thnk god u chngd ur mind by offering dez tutorials 4e!! Plz dont ever charge it. These are the best modelling tutorials i found so far m/ Keep it up!
LOL, that would be amazing. :-)
Wow, can’t wait until I’m good enough to do it this fast in 2 mins