AS-Designs Dreamweaver Tutorial – AP-Div Tag Wrapper

AS-Designs Dreamweaver Tutorial - AP-Div Tag Wrapper

Tutorial using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. This tutorial teaches how to create a wrapper based on AP-Div tags in dreamweaver. I have found a way to create a wrapper AP div tag to encase all of your other div tags. Then you will center the main wrapper and everything within the wrapper will also be centered. This also has an advantage over a normal div tag that is coded with css in that ap div tags can be arranged in layers just like in photoshop. You can also drag and move around these AP div tags instead of having to give exact numbered locations through css like you would a normal div tag.
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16 responses to “AS-Designs Dreamweaver Tutorial – AP-Div Tag Wrapper”

  1. wwwaimiecapricecom says:

    This is the first video I have ever seen on how to center an AP div. It is what makes it most valuable to me. You should put “How to center AP div” in the title and see how much your hits increase. Great job very helpful.

  2. Karina Medina says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH. Great Tutorial.

  3. Mike Clepper says:

    Finally some one who understands what i’m trying to do! Thanks so much! Amazing tut!

  4. João Semedo says:

    Can you plz help me? I can’t move the ap div’s when thei are inside de wrapper they only move around. thanks

  5. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri,olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne….sistemul din Romania saboteaza calculatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…tiganii Uniunii Europene….GUNOAIE FASCISTE

  6. ngs5150 says:


  7. groundwirecomputers says:

    thank you Adam , saved me lot of time.

  8. TheNeuroSpasm says:

    This is so awesome man! I can’t express how thankful I am for this tutorial!

  9. TheLiamRhodes says:

    Thank you for taking the time and helping 😉

  10. Tore Nilsson says:

    Great guide, thank you. But I haven’t figured out how to change the “grey” frame around the AP div. How would i remove that/Change?

  11. Gabriel Guerrero says:

    Great!, thnks 4 share…

  12. blva888 says:

    Why not just have a reg div and put right and left as auto? It will be centered that way.

  13. safiyah03 says:

    you are a life saver! one quick question will the website stay centered if seen on a higher resolution monitor? please answer…ur a genius!!!!

  14. kairithebeat says:

    thank you thank you thank you! 🙂

  15. arasnader7088 says:

    thank you
    that was really a very good tip , finally I can get rid of the add in my website

    thank you again

  16. AmerICANLAFafter says:

    Holy shit dude it actually worked! After so many weeks, days, and hours of searching and trying to figure out how to lock it in place for the browser I can’t believe it was that simple. Thanks so much man!

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