Contact Page / Form, PHP Script Dreamweaver Tutorial http —————————– GET THE PHP SCRIPT HERE How to create a contact form in Dreamweaver using a PHP script to send the form to your mail. PHP script When a message is sent the contact page contacts this PHP script, its here all our Email details are stored and we tell the Scrip exactly how we want the message to appear and to where we want it sent {your personal email account}. Be sure and drop by the website
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Video tutorial posted 22/11/12
Category: Dreamweaver Tutorials

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you can download the full script from the website
hi, i followed this tutorial but getting a “404” message when i press submit in live browser and no email gets sent. any suggestions mate?
Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…SISTEMUL DIN ROMANIA…manipuleaza calculatoarele, intercepoteaza telefoanele,manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST….tiganii Uniunii Europene…GUNOAIE FASCISTE
Kardeşim nasıl bi aksağandır bu ya 🙂
i have this problem too. have you solved it?
hey i need help the i havent set up a test server yet for the php script i just tested it in the browser and it displays some of the php code and the css (contact confirmation page) along with it. I need help is it suppose to be like this with out the test server being set up?
Okay So At 4:10 I Know That, That Was A External Link But How Do You Make A Internal Link ???
worked great…thanks
You have to alter lines 11-13, 18,19 and 22
I need a mail server for this ? i don’t really understand how it works . Help!
jesus buy a new computer i can hear it all through this tutorial screaming out AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ok, I cant find the first tutorial to create the form page html. But I did find some info on helpvid net.
But heres my problem. I get the email form the php script. but no information is in the email, just the 3 words,
name email comments…nothing else????any idea why?
That was a great video. Keep sharing we really appreciate it. Just some feedback. There was a few minor typos in your code from tute 1 as linking to tute 2. In the html from tute 1 you typed in “contactformprosess” which I gather should be “contactformprocess” (as in tute 2) so the html and php line up. Also in tutorial 1 html, you missed out the php from the form action=”contactformprocess”……… which should read form action=”contactformprocess.php”………
nice accent 😉 thanks for sharing keep these videos comming