Create Elegant Stunning Swirls, Curls, and Swooshes – Fireworks Video Tutorial

Create Elegant Stunning Swirls, Curls, and Swooshes - Fireworks Video Tutorial

Flash Building presents a Fireworks CS3 + CS4 Tutorial on creating stunning swirls and curls for your web design projects.
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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18 responses to “Create Elegant Stunning Swirls, Curls, and Swooshes – Fireworks Video Tutorial”

  1. premo731 says:

    Fireworks is a “vector” based design program,and Photoshop is a “raster” based one.

  2. keywahs says:

    wow thanks you so much i dont have photoshop its really expensive this will help alot

  3. onibaby23 says:

    This was so much easier than using illustrator which is what I ususally use for graphics. you are a life and time saver thank for the post

  4. fmlock says:

    When I make spirals and copy and paste them as shown in the video, my program doesn’t seem to be behaving in the same way when it comes time to close them off with the pen tool. It either refuses to join the open ends or in some cases gives me a warning. Something about joining sublayers may behave unexpectedly or something like that. What am I doing wrong or what am I missing here? Is it because it’s CS5? Thanks again for all the great videos, Ill keep an eager eye out for more.

  5. Habohuger says:

    how do I move that swirl into Photoshop?

  6. TimeTravelingPizza says:

    Thanks dude, good tutorial. 🙂 I always wondered how others achieved that tapered effect.

  7. homegrownart says:

    Aah, after watching 2 times and following alomg, I love what I created. Thanks, soooo much!

  8. homegrownart says:

    Soooo Sweeeet, exactly what I want to make. TFS!

  9. cyberchicklette says:

    i agree, you are a very good teacher! i always wondered what the purpose of fireworks was, i am pretty good with photoshop and illustrator and now i see! thanks!!!

  10. bornsinging says:

    Thanks so much!

  11. romanticscents says:

    Loved it!

  12. Djghost1123 says:

    I remember that not too long ago you used to have “blades” for your backround. How did you make those blades?

  13. XenephusVC says:

    Lulz I’m the other way around. I don’t know anything about Fireworks but I got Photoshop down pat.

  14. SilverStimpy says:

    my favourite part is….. Bammm 😀

  15. sanchacho says:

    incredible, thanks!!

  16. DangerGuy10 says:

    so whats the differant between Fireworks and Photoshop?

  17. plank131 says:

    Brilliant! Just what I’ve been after…!

  18. cantolliesowhat says:

    Awesome, thank you!

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