How To Make Your Photos Pop In Lightroom 4 In 5 Minutes – Lightroom Tutorial

How To Make Your Photos Pop In Lightroom 4 In 5 Minutes - Lightroom Tutorial

This video tutorial will show you how to use Lightroom 4 to take a dull, lifeless photo and turn it into something that stands above the rest in a measly 5 minutes. See it on our blog at
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20 responses to “How To Make Your Photos Pop In Lightroom 4 In 5 Minutes – Lightroom Tutorial”

  1. pg30012 says:

    Hey, have you heard about “Photo SFXart Tricks” (just do a Google search for it…)? There you can watch a smart free video showing the way to create incredible photos. It made it easier for Daniel to take pictures which leave you with a wow-effect after you look at them. Perhaps it will work for you also.

  2. DesignPanoply says:

    When you click the paintbrush and begin painting, it will effect the area you are painting with the settings that are currently in the right sidebar. Sometimes I’ll have the exposure set at +4 to make the painting areas obvious, then I’ll tweak it down after that.

  3. DesignPanoply says:

    Thanks Moyinguis. Have fun 🙂

  4. moyinguis says:

    WOOOOOOOW! I’m going to try this for sure, thank you for your time, great tut! Greetings from Mexico 🙂

  5. Dann1811 says:

    when i click the paintbrush how do i get it to go white like it does for you

  6. Victoria Harvey says:

    WOW! THZ…

  7. piratos74houssem says:

    The Best PS color correction pack 😀

  8. DesignPanoply says:

    Thanks guys! I’m glad this video is helping so many of you 🙂

  9. lidokiddo296 says:

    great job

  10. Ed Willcoxon says:

    Just what I was looking for! Very interesting!

  11. Renee Marcov says:

    Thanks. I just downloaded the lightroom trial version. I need to learn more!

  12. firefighter4u says:

    great video….. keep them coming!

  13. majestixblue says:

    COOL! thanks

  14. AmishElvis1 says:

    Great teacher.

  15. 19Tr1Sk3L10n68 says:

    very nice! hope to learn more from you. keep it up!

  16. DesignPanoply says:

    Thanks ozbod54. I try to do as much as possible in Lightroom, and only go into Photoshop if necessary.

    – John Shaver

  17. DesignPanoply says:

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ll do my best!

    – John Shaver

  18. DesignPanoply says:

    I’m not sure what’s happening… do you have sharpening turned on or anything?

    You might try upping the noise reduction. Previewing smaller images can sometimes make them look smoother than they really are, so when you export them at full size they look grainy.

    – John Shaver

  19. ozbod54 says:

    Excellent tut’ many thanks, it explained a lot as I am trying to learn LR4 and blend with CS5

  20. MrAcornBurrka says:

    PLEASE MAKE MORE OF THESE!!!!! I need to understand more of these type of portrait edits!

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