iMovie Tutorial – The Basics

iMovie Tutorial - The Basics

I thought it was time to show you guys and girls a little look at how I edit my YouTube videos using iMovie 11 on my Mac. There are many different ways of how you can use iMovie 11, but this is how I use it, and I hope this is of some help for anyone who is starting out with this software. This is showing you the basics of how to edit and piece videos together.
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4 responses to “iMovie Tutorial – The Basics”

  1. MrDoug527 says:

    jesus dude get to the point………..

  2. Moe Bius says:

    Oh, that’s how it works 🙂

  3. REEDSBUD says:

    appreciate the vid!! helped very much!!

  4. onemon22 says:

    I use this program a lot. One program which is fun to try for the Mac is motion fx in the app store, and is free.

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