Introduction to HTML Tutorial 2

Introduction to HTML Tutorial 2 Like us on Facebook Follow us on Google+: Follow me on Twitter: @mlassoff Udemy Course: From Learn To Program dot TV (LearnToProgram.TV) this is lesson twoof our HTML / XHTML course. In this tutorial, you will learn the heading tags…

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20 responses to “Introduction to HTML Tutorial 2”

  1. whatdice says:

    you say that you are so retarded that you know when and how to save a document ? LOL, i’m okay with that

  2. Phoenix11Games says:

    you have to do it with a editing program f*cking retard

  3. Steve Owens says:


  4. RayTutorialsv3 says:

    And Your A Youtube Partner Because? Video Tutorials Can Be Up To 3 Hours As A youtube Partner

  5. whatdice says:

    the notepad tutorial is for retards. “save as”, “save”, “open new file” COME ON !

  6. LearnToProgramDotTV says:

    Thank you for your comment. I just wanted to let you know that the courses we sell are not just the video tutorials we post on YouTube. They contain hours of engaging video lectures, practical lab exercises and useful code samples. They are a great way to learn how to program.

  7. Madoculos says:

    If he wanted to, he could’ve just uploaded the full video when they allowed that. Now it redirects to a page where you can pay $50 for a tutorial.

  8. Madoculos says:

    I went to your site. I’m not paying $50 for this shit.

  9. WordPressTutorialNow says:

    The quickest way to create a html link is to use the link code creator I just built, check my channel to see how without even knowing a line of html you can quickly build 28 different types of html link code.

  10. shain2501 says:

    This video is very true. I’m a HTML/XHTML Certified 🙂

  11. SuperAwangee says:

    shit upload again this vidoe it does not work after 5mints

  12. Moshikashitenai says:

    This video was made in 2008, videos could only be a max of 10 minutes long then. Of course, any YouTuber should know that, right?

  13. joshybates1 says:

    no offence but you had me worried when you were puting in blank space because i wasn’t shore if the spacing was correct and was wondering if it would work but no problem now

  14. Tyler McKee says:

    Good but full video isn’t on the sight. Nice little trick there though. Any youtuber knows videos can be more than 10 minutes long.

  15. SHAHROZ228 says:
    visit my website where you can learn html,javascript,css,flash,Photoshop,drreamweaver, Ms office,Autocad,Computer hardware, And download Serial keys, Watch short keys, As well as Download full version softwraes, watch live Tv Channels, download Flash,Photoshop Templates, And much more tips trickssss

  16. legocameron2 says:

    thanks this video helped

  17. Akshay Binu says:

    guys !! help!
    i cant find the comment sign(as said in the video) on the keyboard.

  18. Joinproclan says:


    Y U NO FREE??

  19. howtocreatewebsite says:

    You make it seem very simple! So this is what the computer uses.

  20. 24legend4 says:

    lol nice hook to get people to your site

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