Lightroom Tutorial – Part 2: Set up Metadata Presets Before Importing Photos

Lightroom Tutorial - Part 2: Set up Metadata Presets Before Importing Photos

This tutorial describes the procedure for setting up a simple copyright metadata preset that can be applied to your images as they are imported into Lightroom. Metadata presets are a quick way to add copyright and contact info to your images as a batch process. For more information, visit the PhotographyBB website and forums at:
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14 responses to “Lightroom Tutorial – Part 2: Set up Metadata Presets Before Importing Photos”

  1. startphotography says:

    Don’t listen to anyone who gives you criticism, this is great!

  2. EmperorArek says:

    part 1 and 2 are great. Why you do not make more videos like this?
    We love to see more !

  3. BorysMotion says:

    Thanks, MORREEE.

  4. Tealkoi says:

    I truly wish you had more videos… I love how simple everything is and basic. It helped me so much. I never knew what metadata was haha. Thnaks

  5. planetvall says:


  6. dunzy18 says:

    very helpful thanks!

  7. adamslogic says:


  8. acapmex1 says:

    tHank you so much !

  9. fanneliese says:

    very very useful information … big txs

  10. jcluccas says:

    Olá! Gostei muito do seu tutorial, procurei o tutorial 3 e não encontrei. Ajude-me com esse grande software que é o lightroom.
    Muito Obrigado.

    Hello! I really enjoyed your tutorial, I tried the tutorial and found 3. Help me with this great software that is the lightroom.
    Thank you.

  11. jcluccas says:

    Muito bom!! Esse foi o melhor video tutorial do youtube.
    Parabéns!!! Perfeito!

  12. Pruskichic says:

    I’m trying to find the 3rd tutorial on moving pictures to a catalog?? Is it still on here?

  13. pedrojesusfreakaoid says:


  14. alessyam says:

    Very nice !!!
    When w will see next tutorial ?

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