3D Minecraft Tutorial – Biped – Bone Rig P1 (Part 9)

3D Minecraft Tutorial - Biped - Bone Rig P1 (Part 9)

In this tutorial i show how to create a bone rig for the minecraft character Please subscribe and thumbs up ^^ maybe even share it 😀 —————————————————————- Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com My Other Channel: www.youtube.com —————————— If any of these tutorials helped you out and you create any awesome minecraft videos, please mention my channel I would be eternally grateful 🙂

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14 responses to “3D Minecraft Tutorial – Biped – Bone Rig P1 (Part 9)”

  1. Dindeed says:

    I went through a lot since i made that comment, I made a huge animation that was good, then I got hacked and it was deleted… lol, just dont do bone rig. Do the other one i forgot what it is called. Also dont make hands.

  2. loopyd2 says:

    also could you do a tutorial on how to do a rayfire bock breaking tutorial using a rig so when the rig tuches the block it fragments and breaks

  3. loopyd2 says:

    me too rotate the swivel angle by 90 degres WARNING save before you do this i dont know if it cuases any fuck ups in the rest of it

  4. loopyd2 says:

    i can rotate the swivel angle by 90 degrees but will this screw up anything and i also wanted to say your a very good animator

  5. loopyd2 says:

    and when i rotate it 90 degrees the arm bends less to the left but after that if i delete the ik solver i cant change view rotation past 89.98 i can type 90 and press 90 and it hanges the angle but it says 89.98 I know you probally wont agree but u should put a download link for when there are always mistakes

  6. loopyd2 says:

    My arm bends to the side intead of oposite of the right way so instead of a backwards wlbow mine is a sideways one ive tried creating the bine structure twice now. Will rottating it work or will that mess it up

  7. kurtxwise says:

    when i add the link constraint to the head it moves it different to the rest of my body? is there any way around this? 🙂

  8. kurtxwise says:

    i would use bones, they are much easier to use!

  9. MrLonerist says:

    Could you please give me a biped of the normal Steve? i really need it. i tried following all your tutorials, but i feel like the best way to learn how is to dissect your biped. Can i please use it?

  10. Dindeed says:

    omg wtf? I reopened my save and it just turned my arms and legs into pyramids that are stuck in eachother?

  11. Dindeed says:

    I tried 5 times with the bones and when i move the arm on its y axis like you tested at 12:10, it goes sideways into the body and not straight out

  12. Dindeed says:

    yay after like 2 hours i figured it out T.T lol

  13. Dindeed says:

    randomly my circle that appears when you click on the thing to rotate is gone, my x,y,z thing is also gone when i try to move things, do you know how to fix this?

  14. alphawolfNW says:

    when i set things to ik solvers i can never select them again? any suggestions?

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