3D Text Illustrator Tutorial Adobe Illustrator CS6

3D Text Illustrator Tutorial Adobe Illustrator CS6

3D Text Illustrator Tutorial Adobe Illustrator CS6 graphic-design-blog-tutorials.blogspot.com
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6 responses to “3D Text Illustrator Tutorial Adobe Illustrator CS6”

  1. Royelmesias says:


  2. MrsPrimadona says:

    this video is good. but not tutorial.

  3. Centur YounG says:


  4. Myles Luke says:

    shit quality and depressing tune

  5. lowizzo says:

    Tutorial??? it´s like a walkthrough…

  6. A.A TaYo says:

    Lack of experience! Make a copy of d “M” & Flip it horizontally, create a fade to ur desire.

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