architecture tutorial on 3ds max curtains part 7

architecture tutorial on 3ds max curtains part 7

Creating the curtains using the Nurbs tool. Shouldn’t take you more than 1 minute once you understand how it works. The last part of our modelling tutorials before we start the materials application. The next 3 tutorials will show you how to apply materials and render the model. If you haven’t been following the modeling lessons we will be providing a model for you to work with.. Please share and subscribe if you enjoy our lessons.. 🙂
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21 responses to “architecture tutorial on 3ds max curtains part 7”

  1. Jay Tomar says:

    hey, where is mental ray lighting and texturing part ?
    did u have make it or not ?
    [sorry for bad english]

  2. Samarth lakhotia says:

    I rendered just to see how the curtains look…And after having a look I see the curtains half striped off!!PLZ HELP>>

  3. payam mir says:

    man u doing great tutorial ………….

  4. Mateus Itiyama says:

    @Acritomedia, as you said in this tutorial, I’d want another tutorial focused only in curtains. I would like to know how to make some holes in the curtain. Thanks

  5. ahmed alkamar says:

    maaaaaan ,, how can i thank u 😀 ….

  6. Paul Nabena says:

    great tutorial from the beginning.

  7. Duy Linh Pham says:

    Thank !

  8. lim ps says:

    why my curtain ( draw in 3dmax ) show not straight come out show cross , can pls give the advise .tq

  9. MrBfg586 says:

    Could I use NURBS for the second part of the bed spread (top part) that you did in the last video or would that create too much geometry?

  10. sajjad53237 says:

    good job…

  11. ahmad baig says:

    i love this tutorial

  12. ahmad baig says:

    i have no vray plug in
    please teach me at mental ray

  13. ahmad baig says:

    ok please tell your channel addres 🙂

  14. Acritomedia says:

    Just go to our channel. 🙂

  15. ahmad baig says:

    please tell me how to seach part 8 please….

  16. hardHDstyle says:

    You have amazing tutorials! Subscribed!

  17. hitesh advani says:

    please upload your next tutorial… we are waiting!

  18. Marz Mulo says:

    finally… I was beginning to lose hope. Great tutorials acrito, keep em coming! Like everybody else I cant wait for the lighting and rendering part..

  19. Acritomedia says:

    Yes, that will be after may,, the vray one will be posted in less than 2 weeks though.. 🙂

  20. Acritomedia says:

    Hi, I will have the mental ray rendering part of it after may.. I will be adding a Vray one in less than 2 weeks just so we have the two..

  21. fafeaerwerws says:

    hope your going to render this in mental ray =)

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