Combining Images/Composite Photoshop Tutorial

Bottle Image: Water Image: In this video we will use simple techniques to combine a couple images. We are actually using a couple image which are pretty difficult to combine and my hope is that you will take a few tricks from this video that will help you with combining images of all types-including those that have transparency in them-form this video. We cover selecting with channels, copying and pasting, masking, burning, and a few other cool little things. Check it out and get started building your own “composite images”! Be sure to check out Check out the blog @ http
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Video tutorial posted 04/12/12
Tags: Combining, Images/Composite, Photoshop, Tutorial

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
Our site has beginner, intermediate and advanced video tutorials of varying lengths so you can learn a new skill at your own speed and level. So whether you're a web designer, print designer or just wanting to edit some family photos, you can get to it quickly and easily using these free video guides. (more)
the final image lack something!
Those bubbles flying over the bottle should have white color for shining!
they are much dimmmm
Good tttuuttt
Tutorial starts at 2:25!
what is the app called though ?
Whoa – I never would’ve thought to make a selection using the channels layer like that – that’s a really powerful option! Thanks for explaining how to do that! 🙂
04:58 what do u say on that time ?
You guys should check out this videos out they are really helpful
what u use to record
Wow, and with a sticky-outie-tongue face and all…
Well, not knowing the image you are bringing in or how you are doing it this is what I can say might be the issue. First of all, if the image you are wanting to place is smaller than the other (the first might be huge but reduced for view) then it will be smaller. You can copy and paste it from the *new window* into the one you want. The tabs can be a pallet arrangement setting you can tinker with I think in view?
Okay PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL ME what is going on with my CS3? ALL I WANT TO DO is put an image on top of another, like 8:51 but when I drag/import a new picture to place it ontop of my existing picture, photoshop decides to make a new window for the new picture and minimize the main picture. WTF!? I don’t get tabs like u, I want the tabs on the top left! (U click on the tabs im talking about at 2:35 to switch pictures) I want that, but mine gives me a new fking window! is it a Setting?
If you want to cut out loads of waffle go to 6.05 !!! Sorry, it is useful but most people just want to know how to put multiple photos into one doc. x
Who the fuck buys pictures nowadays? Come on people, Right Click, Save. GET WITH IT 😛