CSS Tutorial #1 Basic Burst fire

Basic Counter Strike Source Burst fire Tutorial. TY FOR ALL OF YOU WHO APPRECIATE MY WORK!! Basic burst fire tutorial on the m4 and ak
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Video tutorial posted 01/12/12
Category: CSS Tutorials

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how did you putted a moving skin in the game?
maybe he made it too ppl’s that dont know how to play. it is called tutorial for a reason -.-
i go a skin and it only shoots 1 bullet per mouse clip and the cross hairs are very close together
Stupid thing to make a video about :s
maybe thats because the vid is 4 years old? dumb ass
Does this apply to any weapon?
Actually I can kill allot of people with M4A1 – silencer spraying!
I’m MID skilled, just watched this for fun xD i can hit with spray each shot almost ^^
If you want to learn about basics of css so please watch this video and learn.
Today i am watched this video and learn about basics of css..
Thanks for sharing with all members…
Sorry dude but your bad at aiming / showing how to aim , u aim like i did for 5 years ago o.0 , please go learn to aim 🙂
ive never gotten a spray kill when i was aiming directly at the enemy (with the ak)
sv_showimpacts 1*
You could use sv_whowimpact 1 if you want to make it easy. ?
your suppose to drag your mouse down when you burst and spray.
yes it its.. i hce cl_crosshairscale 99999 doesnt move,small
you can control spraying if u know the spraying pattern its pretty easy
thanks and nice vid btw
you gotta type this in now cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 1, once you do that you can change your cross hair scale to what ever suites you. i have mine set at 3000