Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course – Make Links Lesson 8

Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course - Make Links Lesson 8 – Learn how to add a style to are links so we can add it to our stylesheet. We will also be going over how to add a hover to our links. Hover is when someone hovers there mouse over a link and the link changes color. beginners tutorial. Lesson folder is on my website
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5 responses to “Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course – Make Links Lesson 8”

  1. cuginetycoon says:

    Hello thanks for the Advise ! I am stuck at the .link My Link is not Linked to the .css I typed in the code into the .css but nothing changed they are still Blue ? thanks in advanced

  2. leroyFlow says:

    i have a problem, when i clink on a link a new page opens up, Is there a way to clink a link and that link load in the same page or is frameset the only way ?

  3. Kostko88 says:

    I checked 10 tutorials, and i know a BIG deal about links, dezign…., but I CANNOT change text with buttons in that white big box?!?!?? Any tutorial on that?

  4. Wei liang Liu says:

    i type in the code like you did but the it doesnt work Home is still blue. im using CS5 by the way…

  5. helanpinu says:

    Asian Lady needs to meet you

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