How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

I recommend this site for custom logo design: How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial logo design illustrator tutorial click here for more guides / my page
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19 responses to “How to Create 3D Logo in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial”

  1. MrsPrimadona says:


  2. Devora Dahan says:

    it’s Hebrew language, it come backards because the writhing is from the right to the left… 😉

  3. iParadiizee says:

    Did anyone else notice that his Vista Task-bar was backwards?

  4. ashkan golshahi says:


  5. Ashin Wang says:

    good for you’

  6. AnimateStudios1 says:

    I know an art company that does logos for ridiculously cheap they did mine for £25!!

  7. Saicofake says:

    My laptop heats up and screws up every time I use 3D.

  8. Keti Petrova says:

    really like it!

  9. how2websiteblog says:

    Awesome tutorial. Definitely worth a share on my blog, hope that’s okay?

  10. 42nafam says:

    What r you doing on 6 40 – arrange before using pathfinder or what? because when I’m putting everything together and clicking on a pathfinder (minus front) – it’s not cutting the part of the picture, it’s just getting almost white… 🙁 But the Unite pathfinder is still working. Eize problem eshli po?

  11. TheVKGraphics says:

    Nice tutorial

  12. SamosIMP says:

    Glad to see a designer who is not a Mac whore.

  13. Vimal Wadhwa says:

    Nice one thanks 🙂

  14. CFDeath says:

    Extremely educational stuff, thnx for breaking your creative process down for us mate! Best wishes from Greece!

  15. Ehab Isaac says:

    Great, thanks 😀

  16. jawhar cruise says:

    download adobe illustrator for free with serial: h t t p : / / a d f . l y / C j H N N

  17. Poneide says:

    youtube. com/watch?v=y_FT-1dIEBk
    Look Me Tutorial 🙂

  18. progemo says:

    This is an excelent video!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I like so much! Thank you for your contribution! From Argentina!

  19. Panda4Cash says:

    start menu on the right?

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