How To: iMovie – Editing Video

How To: iMovie - Editing Video

Charles Heureaux is an American Film Producer, Cinematographer & Editor. He currently serves as the Creative Director for Sky Life Media creating promotional videos for Miguel A. Nunez Jr., All-American Rejects, Brandy Moss-Scott, MC Magic,, Doritos, Bluetooth and a few other talents/brands. As requested by youtube/TheLaurenHarper, here is part 2 of a 3 part tutorial. In this tutorial, Charles Heureaux will teach iMovie user a basic understanding of editing video content in iMovie 11. Follow Charles Heureaux Here For video production inquiries, contact or (202) 495-1122 for video, filming, video editing, special effects, live events, or online promotions.
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13 responses to “How To: iMovie – Editing Video”

  1. scott melvin says:

    how can i analyse my cricket videos , eg draw lines , angles on them?

  2. ShelleySomething says:

    Thanks for this tutorial, Charles. I just uploaded my first-ever music video using iMovie, and your demonstration helped me get started. Check out my video page to see how my Helium Groove turned out.

  3. bogartsgirl2003 says:

    I’m just wondering how do u make your voice go high or low? Please respond back. And how do u make a movie trailer??

  4. Ben Hardy says:

    Do you have any videos on using the precision editor?

  5. JJfan2013 says:

    I just want to know how to pause or fastforward my video when I am in the editing process. For something I cannot find that anywhere!

  6. Bojan Landekić says:

    Is there an iMovie technique you would recommend for dealing with videos that have a lot of varying types of clips so I can sort out clips for a specific day into one pile, and clips for a specific street into another pile, and then import piles into a timeline?!?!?!

  7. Bojan Landekić says:

    OMFG! That’s like asking someone how do you talk to God!

    And the response is “I use cocaine”…

    yeah.. great.. 🙁

  8. Bojan Landekić says:

    Dude I knew this was gonna be high quality from the opening rap song! :)

  9. jonceballos says:

    lol “Mosiac”
    Thanks for the video though it helped

  10. KimmieDeeToons says:

    Such an easy, user friendly video. So glad I found you, thanks!!!!

  11. CharlesHeureaux says:

    When you transfered the clip to the project, iMovie may have glitched. Try restarting iMovie.

  12. CharlesHeureaux says:

    Yes, please reference my audio tutorial.

  13. javalin6909 says:

    can u add audio

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