Microsoft Excel Tutorial: Formulas and Functions

Microsoft Excel Tutorial: Formulas and Functions

This video will demonstrate how to use Microsoft Excel in order to perform calculations via formulas on existing data tables to quickly and productively. Below are time links that you may click on to fast-forward to the exact Excel help you need: Simple Formulas: (eg using simple operators, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Percentage) 0:16 Auto-sum formula (add entries in row or column quickly): 0:57 Complex Formulas (multiple operators, calculating the average of cells) 1:26 Applying same formulas to multiple cells: 2:02 Functions:2:19 Most Common Functions: 2:25 Mean Function 2:30 Copying Formulas: Relative versus Absolute 3:15 Relative References: 3:19 Absolute References: 3:40

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