UVW Unwrap – 3DS Max 2013 Tutorial – Level: Intermediate

Tutorial on how to unwrap a character for texturing. In 3DS Max 2013.
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Video tutorial posted 24/12/12
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials
Tags: 2013, Intermediate, Level, Tutorial, Unwrap

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Glad I could help.
Freaking awesome tutorial my friend! No more normal mapping from back/front, top/bottom, and all that B.S. Always hated doing it that way as getting non stretched UVs was always a pain. Doing vehicles this way should be substantially easier.
I’m basically studying ICT & Media design but am currently doing a minor in Game Design, I’ve really come to enjoy the 3d part. I’m studying at Fontys university of applied science, in The Netherlands
You are very welcome. Where are you studying game design?
Thanks a lot for this tutorial. Really helpful, I’m definitely recommending it to my fellow game students here. It’s gonna help me a bunch unwrapping my models.
thank you thank you!
These days are over my friend… woohoo!
very nice tutorial 🙂
I remember the time I spent days on uvw unwrapping by tweaking every single face separately lol
Nice! Hard to find good tuts for those new unwarp functions. Thank you
You are welcome.
I like you Kevin 🙂 Your a good man.
One of the easiest to follow tutorials I’ve seen on this subject (And god there are plenty). Thank you for taking the time to share this.
@TheLennard23 You are welcome. You can subscribe for more but I will be putting out tutorials aimed at more advanced users.
This helped me sooo much! Thank you !
none the less, the whole unwrapping process was very well explained. very good sir. did anyone notice the arnold shwartzeneger voice (how ever you spell it)?