3Ds Max Tutorial – 15 – Material Editor

How to find your way around the material editor. Dont forget to subscribe!
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Video tutorial posted 15/01/13
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I need some help guys! I made a rectangle and then I extruded one of it’s corner top faces to make a wall. I applied texture on it using material editor. But while having the texture ok on the floor, the texture on the wall is very stretched.. what should I do?
Oh 2010, i found out. Awesome!
I’d really like to know what version you’re using. Seems more simple to me than the 2013 version. From here on every menu is something totally different in my program. Fuck! And i really wanted to learn it. :/
umm you just right clicked at 2:12 when you said it will stop rendering
a bunch of boring standard names 😀 lol
got it, thanks to one of the comments 🙂
My Material thing is totally different, Some HUGEEEEEE gingg comes, with SOOOOOO many things to clink on, and a navigator, and what not, its like a map, this this material there and that there, and link it with bridges and what not, how do i make it as simple as urz?
thanks Bucky
Hello there man, I am having trouble with scaling. I want to have a brick pave, but the map and render shows only color, only if make a big object then the brick grid shoes normally but not on my scaled object. Thank you
im having a problem here n it freaken me out i keep opening my material editor n click on the get material button but when my material/map browser shows up but my side options are not showing and all i see are the default materials and maps standards . can someone plz tell how to fix it
Just realized you can go to the Modes menu in the toolbar and switch it to Compact Material Editor. Much nicer.
Why does the Material Editor in 3DS Max 2013 completely suck? It makes like flowcharts and all this unneccessary crap…
OMG Right click 😛
Really an awesome work. thanks a lot Sir. I am learning through your videos daily..
donde lo descargo???
When I create a material, save the model as a .x file (by Exporting),
will the material be automatically passed to an XNA C# project?
my “assign material to selection” button is greyed out when I try to apply a material from the “get materials” button. I’m trying to make a handle with a wooden texture, how to I assign it?
go to mode press compact material editor. that should get you something close to what he has
omg the 2012 material editor menu is alot different :O
whenever he says “uhm” he sounds like chris from family guy xP
Press “M” then go to Modes>Compact Material Editor. 🙂