3Ds Max Tutorial | Realistic Exterior Environment !

3Ds Max Tutorial | Realistic Exterior Environment !

You can download the scene in MAX format on my website pierre.cpfree.fr PUT SUBTITLES ON ! They are available in ENGLISH & FRANCAIS This tutorial explains for beginners the basis of MR SUN & SKY environment and the daylight system with 3ds max 9. I hope it will be helpfull to you to create realistics sunshines, beautiful day scenes or cloudy scenes. Don’t hesitate to comment or show me your scenes! The SUBTITLES are here to help you to understand the tutorial. Ce tutoriel 3ds max 9 s’adresse aux débutants et permet de créer rapidement et facilement un environnement extérieur réaliste pour toutes vos scènes de jour ou lors du couché de soleil.
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14 responses to “3Ds Max Tutorial | Realistic Exterior Environment !”

  1. elevenplaneteleven says:

    I have a 6 core 3.2 ghz processor 16 Gb ram and Vray is slow as hell.

  2. pierrrecesar says:

    Thanks 🙂

  3. tom lowe says:

    Good Work!

  4. cluxseltoot says:

    Merci Pierre – un début intéressant de rendu d’eau

  5. pierrrecesar says:

    Thanks you very much and thanks you for the link that I didn’t know, there is also good hdri files on deviant art.

  6. Andreas Reimer says:

    Great tutorial. Also very useful for Maya users.
    If you are looking for some free hdri files I have a few of them available

  7. malevolentmistake says:

    derp o matic traum o tatic

  8. magicmilk26 says:

    Nice vid personally I perfer the mr sky though…

  9. wannabeers says:

    Problem: I must have clicked something accidently but I my move, scale and rotate tools dont work properly anymore. The x, y and z axises have turned into straight lines with nothing on them. I’ve tried resetting but that doesn’t work. I can still scale, move or rotate the object, but not with the axis in the viewports. Please help because I’m stuck 🙁

  10. tony12871 says:

    nice what is the name of music?

  11. pierrrecesar says:

    Thanks 🙂

  12. kubmari says:

    Good job, quick, simple and effective 🙂

  13. pierrrecesar says:

    Thanks :) 😉

  14. Ahmed Jaber says:

    nice bro favorited and subbed

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