Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Pen Tool Tutorial

A real-time basic tutorial on using the pen tool in Photoshop and Illustrator. Check out these links for more Tips & Tricks! Pen Tool Goodness: Photoshop Shortcuts: Illustrator Shortcuts: Check Me Out! Music “Halcyonic Falcon X” by DJ-Delinquent // 2009 – Licensed under Creative Commons Hear it all at:
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Video tutorial posted 25/01/13
Tags: Adobe, Illustrator, Photoshop, Tool, Tutorial

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Jon Grim brought me here
I love your work and your tutorials they’re so easy to understand
I’ve learned a lot! Thanks Chris <3
I was looking for a naked cat videos, but I found this by accident. Thank you.
Not that shitty Karl Urban movie….LoL
ima draw a woman in a kitchen lol
You move pretty quick, but this is the most helpful tutorial I’ve found on basics of pen tool: much thanks!
@chrisknowsthis:Thank you so much! Now I know I can work better with Pen Tool! 🙂
I have a question if you don’t mind answering, How did you change your photoshop/illustrator workspace background to an image? I know how to change the grey workspace into any color but I can’t figure out how you changed it into an image?
And Google didn’t answer my question… lol
Thanks :)
How did you get pressure sensitivity on illustrator?
I usually hit V and then P – it’ll jump you to the Selection tool to get you off the shape and then jump you back to the Pen tool
When i am clicking to draw a new shape with my pen tool in illustrator it carries on from the last shape where i want to make a new shape.. how do i fix it??
the camera moving around following your mouse all the time gives motion sickens. 🙁
I just found ur tuts, and I’m impressed. Very explanatory!
the sound track for this video is awesome. where did you find it? You are also quite talented.
wow! what a great tutorial!! u showed many things in a quick way
thanks 🙂
how can i make lineart using photoshop but still keeping all the lines as a shape (vector base) ? Not a rasterize image when you stroke the path with brush…can someone help me.
great tut!
sounding smokinn
urgghh nosebleed.. sorry,, im a beginner and this complicates the things i knew >.<
I wanna ask you out for coffee but I think you already had 5 cups already. =)
Great tutorial, but the moving around of the screen makes me sea-sick.
Other than that, great tutorial.
Hi i have one question
Do u use mouse or graphic tablet?
Haha, thanks! I’m really happy that it made things clearer for you ^_^
I’m so glad it helped ^_^