After Effects CS6 3D Text Tutorial

After Effects CS6 3D Text Tutorial

Adobe After Effects CS6 3D Text Tutorial by AcrezHD. Follow Me on Twitter: “after effects” “after effects cs6” “cs6” “adobe after effects” “after effects templates” “after effects tutorials for beginners” “3d text” “3d text tutorial” “after effects 3d text” after effects 3d…

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12 responses to “After Effects CS6 3D Text Tutorial”

  1. Luciano Araujo says:

    Great tutorial!

  2. MyNameIsAudio says:

    yeh i figured it out. 🙂 thank you

  3. PCgameplaysXxX says:

    Thanks man this helped a lot! 😀

  4. PCgameplaysXxX says:

    You have to eneble D and the chang it from “Classic 3D” to Ray-Tracer 3D” 😉
    Hope it helps 🙂

  5. Stuart Cookney says:

    ive never used after effects before and i got it exactly the same as in the tutorial.. is simple

  6. Stuart Cookney says:

    if Frodo was from Birmingham…

  7. Daan schoeman says:

    Great tut!!

  8. TacTzords says:

    No he doesn’t

  9. WhovianUltimate says:

    This is the worst tutorial ever. I don’t understand a thing you want me to do.

  10. TwistLines says:

    just paint ur text, using text tool and in right side is that font type size style

  11. TwistLines says:


  12. TwistLines says:

    i know how to get it free

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