After Effects Tutorial – 2D Motion Tracking

After Effects Tutorial - 2D Motion Tracking

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16 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – 2D Motion Tracking”

  1. Astrosive says:

    i fuckin hate gamefront now.

  2. UncrownedSoul says:

    Link is down mate! Thumps up so he can see it! 😉

  3. Lunurs says:

    The blur shit doesnt work for me

  4. Lunurs says:

    Whenever i make the crop yellow thing back, it doesnt make ANY difference atol the text is still in front of the bulidin?

  5. legruno says:

    dude, is there any option to track the points of the mask so the mask can be transformed by the motion of the tracked points?

  6. 123lyrics4u123 says:

    3px double #0033FF; color

  7. D3DUniverse says:

    I can show how to do 3d motion tracking. Like helicopter crashing into 3d text ect.

  8. TheCodPad says:

    Could you please make a tutorial of this for vegas? That would really help me out 🙂

  9. ImJxyzz says:

    why when i press the motion tracking and it tracks the way why does mine like not be in a straight line

  10. Saw Swaps. says:

    Sick ;)

  11. xShAnKzZ says:

    Sick Jack Keep It Up 😉

  12. BeatssssHD says:

    I LOVE YOU!<33

  13. xSaundi says:

    Ill see what I can do bro! 🙂

  14. xSaundi says:

    Okay! And I currently am using Adobe After Effects CS5

  15. xSaundi says:

    Yes Ill See What I Can Do

  16. xSaundi says:

    Yeah thats right! I usually do that when I manually motion track on vegas, but yeah I didn’t do it in this for some reason but that is a great tip! 🙂

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