Create a Seamless Repeating Vector Pattern Using Adobe Illustrator (the long version)

This tutorial will show you how to create a seamless repeating pattern using vector or raster images. Apply this pattern swatch to your artwork to create more complex designs! Contact me for private Illustrator tutorials:
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Video tutorial posted 09/01/13
Category: Illustrator Tutorials

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THANK YOU!!! You have solved the mystery of the no-fill, no-stroke bounding box that sets the boundaries of the pattern swatch! Much appreciated.
Another great tutorial!! Thanks 🙂
Very Nice again. But your pattern has a little gap making verticle line, sometime I also face this kind of problems, like verticle, horizental or diagonal lines and its hard to fix it manually, do you have any idea how to adjust this easily?
Not in Illustrator by making just one repeat and putting it into the swatches palette. You’d have to manually do a half drop and then turn it into a swatch. Maybe in a future version they will add this feature!
Hi Thank you that made life so much your amazing! Do you know how todo half drop repeats?
Very helpful tutorial,thank you! 🙂
thank you .. that was very helpfull!
I am not sure if I understand your question…can you please clarify or send me the sample file to vector at sewheidi dot com? Thanks!