Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial: CSS Vertical Navigation Bar

Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial: CSS Vertical Navigation Bar

Using Dreamweaver CS5 and CSS we will create and style a vertical navigation bar with images and rollover states! Check it out and follow along! Follow me on Twitter! www.twitter.com Be sure to check out www.tutvid.com Check out the blog @ http

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21 responses to “Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial: CSS Vertical Navigation Bar”

  1. mikeyboyx9 says:

    Awesome tutorial is the gif files available for download?

  2. raja rehman says:

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  3. Guitarrassdeamor says:

    Thank you so much. We are using CS4 for my online class, and I have CS5. I was fine up until I needed to make Navigation Bars, and this saved me!

  4. Jack Vasiliou says:

    I’ve spent a week looking at tuts on this… you are by far the best at teaching! I always learn something from you…

  5. Kikematamitos says:

    css wtf this is not counter strike source

  6. Felician Galgau says:

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  7. Aras Gönendik says:

    It’s been very helpful thank you!

  8. TheTCHIAM says:


  9. joeygart says:

    And through this I learned a lot and now I can edit my vertical bars.

  10. Surender Sharma says:

    i am trying to made this but i am not able to give active and visited background.when the background comes then it not stay . and i am not using all image(Hover, Active,Visited) together in photoshop.I am using individual image in Active and Visited and Hover. Plz tell me what can i do?

  11. rawrkeez says:

    amazing tutorial, thanks for that <3

  12. cracks4ufree says:

    working serial as of APRIL 2011 for Adobe DreamWeaver CS5 here: watch?v=pn6WBuqpGWY

  13. cracks4ufree says:

    working serial as of APRIL 2011 for Adobe DreamWeaver CS5 here: watch?v=pn6WBuqpGWY

  14. Lily Kane says:

    thank unlike everyone else, they didn’t teach me how to make a navigation bar. thanks again

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  16. nokhazali says:

    visit website for dreamweaver cs5 step by step free tutorials >>


  17. mangoprojects says:

    That’s genius. Pixy style button works. Now I can embed four stages in one file. Thank you. – behind vfx

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  19. flutep says:

    from where can I get the button GIF?

  20. sunsolarman says:

    You have to watch more videos of him,

  21. qqqTOXICqqq says:

    Ok so i have a basic template in css with DW CS4. I added a horizontal spry bar menu. I click on each button & the same page pops up. What do i do? Anyone? It’s so annoying…Thanks!

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