Fireworks CS6: Creating HTML pages using CSS Sprites |

Fireworks CS6: Creating HTML pages using CSS Sprites |

This Fireworks CS6 tutorial describes how to create an HTML page with graphic buttons and rollovers using CSS Sprites. Watch more at This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter four of the Fireworks CS6 New Features course presented by author Ray Villalobos. The complete Fireworks CS6 New Features course has a total duration of 1 hour and 58 minutes, and explores the new features and enhancements to Fireworks, the Adobe web graphic and prototyping application. Fireworks CS6 New Features table of contents: Introduction 1. Color WorkFlow Improvements 2. User Experience Improvements 3. CSS Properties 4. CSS Sprites 5. jQuery Mobile Conclusion
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5

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15 responses to “Fireworks CS6: Creating HTML pages using CSS Sprites |”

  1. truekejsi says:

    try 720p

  2. Rob Wallace says:

    get a Mac

  3. 1niknup1 says:

    blurry, couldn’t read anything you showed.

  4. NBA BULLYZ says:

    What up Youtube stop by my Channel and watch how to get Adobe Premiere Elements 11 full,Adobe Photoshop Elements 11,Adobe Fireworks CS6 ,Adobe CAptivate 6 cracked,Adobe InDesign CS6 {Nbabully}
    also got more on my page alll them real no fake stuff …Thanks!

  5. NBA BULLYZ says:

    Adobe Fireworks CS6 +crack {Nbabullyz}
    Stop by see for ya self FREE! watch my videos on how to get
    Adobe Fireworks CS6 FREE!

  6. NBA BULLYZ says:

    Adobe Fireworks CS6 +crack {Nbabullyz}
    Stop by see for ya self FREE! watch my videos on how to get
    Adobe Fireworks CS6 FREE!

  7. Alex Sabo says:

    Dreamweaver is an absolute night mare to work with! It has so many option and all I really need from it is the text and maybe suggestions for autofill. I would suggest Sublime Text it’s easier to use than notepad and very simple and small in size.

  8. Alek Modi says:

    then how about uploading some tutorial about your fireworks skills!

  9. Whatsitallabaaat says:

    PS cannot handle a whole site with multiple pages using a master page and include all CSS data. Anyone who’s still stuck using PS for web development is living well and truly in the past. Every single person I know who is proficient with Fireworks says they’d rather user Fireworks and Notepad over PS and Dreamweaver.

  10. NLPexperts says:

    I am faster in fireworks to get to production than you can even contemplate in photoshop.

  11. ventende says:

    Adobe was about to ditch Fireworks at CS5 but decided to give it one more try. I cant really see the purpose of it anymore. Its like Photoshop´s annoying little brother. Adobe want people to use it as a web mock up tool but PS has been that way too long. Tip: Embedd all these little web edgy stuff into PS or “PS Web” or something, so that the interface and user concept becomes more linear. Right now Fireworks doesnt look like an Adobe family product. Its always gonna be Macromedia´ísh.

  12. confucheese says:

    How on earth am I supposed to afford if I’m only 8.

  13. MrJloa says:

    Disappointing that Photoshop and Illustrator don’t have the Fireworks’ interface, coz their ui sucks like hell. I’ve been working with Fireworks since the version 8, the ui is much much better than the crappy ps one — it’s just more intuitive eg when i click on an object it gets selected, its layer get selected pretty logical etc.

  14. sauldrumandbass says:

    Fireworks should be a standard but designers simply do not know what this tool can achieve how much time you save and how great is the workflow. Also, Photoshop should not be aimed to do all this stuff.

  15. satansblackhole says:

    This! I use Photoshop for mock-ups Sprite Master Web for sprites

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