Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course – Basic CSS Lesson 6

Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course - Basic CSS Lesson 6 – Learn how to use basic css in dreamweaver. Using CSS we can duplicate content over many pages and if we decide to change it later we can then call upon it in a style sheet and edit it once and every page connected to that style will change. Very powerful. beginners tutorial. Lesson 6
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19 responses to “Free Dreamweaver Tutorial Course – Basic CSS Lesson 6”

  1. scrakgames says:

    1stoptutorials i have the same problem would you please help me thank you if you do.

  2. Felician Galgau says:

    Americanii creeaza website-uri, olandezii construiesc masini zburatoare, italienii fac autostrade moderne…SISTEMUL DIN ROMANIA…manipuleaza calculkatoarele, intercepteaza telefoanele, manipuleaza oamenii…SISTEM DICTATORIAL FASCIST…tiganii Uniunii Europene…GUNOAIE FASCISTE…SABOTORI FASCISTI

  3. solodeepdablueroom says:

    Ali thanks for the tutorial videos. I’m using cs5. i’m stuck at the beginning of lesson 6, editing text. i don’t have the same tools that show at the bottom of your dreamweaver page. could you please show me how all that is done in cs5.

  4. Arshad Ali says:

    hi. Ali I created CSS as u told.. but when tried to link that CSS and locating the path it says the specified CSS couldn’t be found,, plz help me to link the CSS ,, thnx


    Hello alibaba thank you so much for your tutorial videos, but i need help i am stuck at the css part style3 code, It doesn’t show up on my version of dream weaver because im using css 5

  6. Ra11se says:

    Hi Ali, I have been scared of css and ignored it for years! Thank you for starting me on the basics excellent!

  7. leeanneraymond says:

    I am trying to link my external style sheet, but when I go to do this only the import option is available. What did I do wrong? Thanks.

  8. Elaheh Madjedi says:

    hi thans again for a wonderful tutorial but i have one problem ; i have no problem typing in first square but it does not write in the white area……help!

  9. 7mazenaHenrija8mog says:

    alibaba, congratulations on the tutorials. ‘re best. I have a problem about entering text in the right column’s content, namely, in DW everything is working great, but in the reader the text appears in the right corner, instead of the left. I hope I’m clear enough. what the problem was? Can I send you the code?

  10. 7mazenaHenrija8mog says:

    alibaba, congratulations on the tutorials. ‘re best. I have a problem about entering text in the right column’s content, namely, in DW everything is working great, but in the reader the text appears in the right corner, instead of the left. I hope I’m clear enough. what the problem was? Can I send you the code?

  11. vilzskilz2009 says:

    download the tutorials and watch it at your pace

  12. Jericobra says:

    Great tut.
    I’m using CS5 and cant seem to make a style sheet like you are in your vid.
    Help please cause I can’t find that info on google or youtube.

  13. justadream81 says:

    Hi Ali , i really like the way you teach , I have problem with the height (content) how can i resize it I try to draw it but it doesnt move at all and this for my school prject pls help 🙁

  14. supergunstock says:

    u go a bit too fast sometimes….

  15. mrkingpintube says:

    Hello alibaba. Im stuck on this lesson because im using CS4 and it’s asking me to name the style and when I try to link the CSS Sheet to the page it shows up as * rather than CSS.CSS and my header tag still stayed oranged…

  16. RafdamanProductions says:

    Nice Tutorial Ali! Did you create your site in dreamweaver

  17. RafdamanProductions says:

    Nice Tutorial Ali! Did you create your site in dreamweaver..?

  18. RafdamanProductions says:

    Nice Tutorial Ali! Did you create your site in dreamweaver?

  19. RafdamanProductions says:

    Nice Tut! Did you create your site in dreamweaver?

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