Illustrator CS6 | Beginner Tutorial [Getting Started – Basic Tools]

Illustrator CS6 | Beginner Tutorial [Getting Started - Basic Tools]

Create your first design artwork with Adobe Illustrator CS6!! Beginner Tutorial – Basic Tools – Getting started. Easy step, one-by-one! **Check the video description for the quick index of the tutorial** NO VOICE? I have a bad pronunciation, I am working on making vocal tutorials in the future for sure. CHECK THE FULL LIST OF TUTORIALS HERE v ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▒░Find here what you are looking for░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ -00:33 How to open a New File; -01:26 The Tool Panel (how to add elements); -01:42 How to Open Windows closed; -01:54 Structure of a single element designed: the path and the anchors -02:57 The Layer Window: structure of a layer and its elements; How to create a new layer; How to delete a layer; -04:11 The Control Panel: general editing of your element (fill,stroke,style,color…); -05:54 How to add Opacity and how to use Layer Masks; -07:28 How to add and edit Gradients; -08:32 The order of Visibility; -08:51 Quick editing: scaling, moving, rotating, easy selections, cutting, pasting; -09:56 Zoom and Hand Tools; -10:27 Quick color editing; -10:58 Drawing options of visibility; -11:26 How to delete actions mistaken; -11:37 Free drawing: Paintbrush, Blob Brush Tools; -12:27 How to delete elements and paths: Path Eraser, Eraser, Scissors Tools; -13:34 The Knife Tool; -13:52 The Text Tool: how to add text; -14:15 How to Save your file (as an image or a project); ₪─═─═─VIDEO─══─INFO─═─═─═─═─★ ║★proɢrαмѕ υѕed: Sony Vegas Pro 11
Video Tutorial Rating: 3 / 5

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13 responses to “Illustrator CS6 | Beginner Tutorial [Getting Started – Basic Tools]”

  1. Jonathan Bruner says:

    I’m simply pointing out the irony of you insulting his intelligence.

  2. adamaley says:

    You’re the one trolling. His insinuation that people with an IQ less than 120 will not be able to understand illustrator has no merit. It is judgmental, and also suggests, to some degree that the poster of the video didn’t do enough regarding his presentation to make things easier to be understood.

  3. glenrkat says:

    As a native English speaker I tend not to criticize others who make errors due to writing in a language not native to them. I doubt you’d do as well writing in his native tongue. He communicated clearly even if I don’t agree with his opinion.

  4. Jonathan Bruner says:

    Tryed is an obsolete spelling of tried.
    And explose is a word in French. Not English, but still a word.
    Stop being a troll.

  5. 6DeepKey9 says:

    XD True. But I see something pretty worse in the internet. Like people that know 0 of English, but words like ‘dumbfuck’ or ‘fucker’ are 100% known ready to hurt other people 🙂 I do assure you this is much worse than being a fool!

  6. adamaley says:

    Well, that doesn’t excuse his piss poor attitude. Plus, being a non-native speaker does not mean one can’t copy/paste the word, “adobe” correctly.

  7. 6DeepKey9 says:

    Come on man he is French (non-native English)

  8. adamaley says:

    Your IQ must not be that high either. “Tryed”, and “explose” are not real words.

  9. 6DeepKey9 says:

    I didn’t put any sound because YT was threatening me with Copyrights, so in that period I was more careful and so I put all videos silent

  10. lbzorz says:

    Hey theres no sound with this video when i play it? volumes are all up…

  11. Jon Dometita says:

    big help dude!thak you very much!

  12. ingridgott says:

    you arte welcome your videos are very good you explaing them very well I have to come and wach them all need it I am always to fast on youtube but this is something I got to learn

  13. 6DeepKey9 says:

    thanks =)

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