iMovie ’09 Tutorial–How to Add Beat Markers

iMovie '09 Tutorial--How to Add Beat Markers

Here is a tutorial on how to add beat markers in iMovie ’09. For more tutorials and video tips visit
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23 responses to “iMovie ’09 Tutorial–How to Add Beat Markers”

  1. Francine Garcia says:

    how do you put the m thing?

  2. proto35 says:

    thanks bud! at first i was doing this the old fashion way manually, but i knew there had to be a better way.

  3. Happypast says:

    This is wonderful! Thanks! 😀

  4. reneehdz says:

    So helpful! Thank you so much!

  5. Chiomunch says:

    Thank you soooo much!

  6. Zac Daroesman says:

    Thanks for your help bruz! This was exactly what I was after. Straight to the point!

  7. Kim Balouch says:

    Excellent! Thanks!

  8. 111nuthead says:

    Great vid. Thanks a Lot !

  9. JimmyGentry says:

    Chip, u da man. I never knew how to use the beat markers. I’ve been doing it all this time with a stopwatch to find the BPM and then adjusting my clips. This will save me a lot of time. If you like R/C cars then search for backyard nascar or check out my channel. Thanks, Jim.

  10. Jack Kenny says:

    nice vid, can i do this with video clips and keep the same clip through out the beats just make it skip a little for each beat marker?

  11. thetwindudes1 says:

    thtnx dude

  12. bauschnlomb1 says:

    thanks so much! , i like the “oops the other way” makes it more human than the other mac tutorials 🙂

  13. sgtfury68 says:

    Excellent tutorial. I love making I-movie projects of my kids. This opens up another avenue.

  14. halfacat says:

    very cool, thanks i was wondering how to get that effect.

  15. Brian Whitnell says:

    Nice one. Many thanks.

  16. netipothead says:

    that’s pretty awesome. I’m glad there’s some features on the new iMovie that sort of make up for the ridiculous lack of basic editing features. so I’m assuming that no matter how long of a video clip it is, it’ll just cut off at the next beat marker. anyway that is an awesome feature, this will make slideshows a million times easier!!

  17. theMOFOSH0 says:

    great tip i will definetely be using tha tin the future!

  18. grandz22 says:

    Thanks!  Ur kids are tooooo cute!

  19. eppingoz says:

    I really need this this, its really cool.

  20. MrMagiskMann says:

    Se på mine video. Du vil sikkert bli sjokkert

  21. ShallyAllyOooo says:

    This was verrrrrrry helpful!!

  22. Saskia Berrios says:

    omg this is so helpful! thank u so much!!

  23. UnemployedFilms says:

    Sweeeeet! Thank you for taking the time to show all of us this. It is awesome. So much about my I-MAC I do not know.

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