Tutorials – Twixtor Smooth Slow Motion – After Effects

Tutorials - Twixtor Smooth Slow Motion - After Effects

I really hope you guys enjoy this tutorial. Feel free to message me your requests! Thanks for making my logo in the top right corner: ChrisPowart: www.youtube.com Thanks for the clips! ImKicked: www.youtube.com PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THIS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. -Dare Zebo Follow me on Twitter: @DareZebo twitter.com Like my fan page on Facebook: t.co
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12 responses to “Tutorials – Twixtor Smooth Slow Motion – After Effects”

  1. COREi47 says:

    Dude what about the sound? I also wanted the sound to be slow mo with the video.

  2. PTopSecret97PT says:

    my right ear LOVED THIS!

  3. PorrygonSnip3z says:

    ow… my right ear :/

  4. DigitalEditzz says:

    And my left ear feels lonely.

  5. 468304 says:

    You don’t earn any money from likes you sponk.

  6. BlackZoneHD says:

    why do you sound like SICKasFritz?!?!! THUMBS UP IF YOU THINK SO!!

  7. Mrxander93 says:

    you don’t even get money directly from your likes…

  8. Odyzsey says:

    one like from every viewer… good luck you cash whore kid

  9. YoungMoveMaker says:

    how do you get rid of little green dot on 60 fps clips?

  10. Zyodix says:

    no you can turn of motion and its perfect

  11. Zyodix says:

    just turn of the motion thingy and it will be fine

  12. unknownmovement says:

    description fail: your logo is on the right bottom not in the right top. just saying.

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