XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 5 – Bold, Italics, and Comments

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18 responses to “XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 5 – Bold, Italics, and Comments”
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Video tutorial posted 27/01/13
Category: CSS Tutorials

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you can see a comment in the “inspect element” section
Gf – Spend some time more on FB chat please .. I have lots of gossip to share .. 🙁
Bf – Sorry .. Gotta go ..
Gf – Please .. just 15mins ??
Bf – Sry babe, u see my mom’s upstairs and she can come any time & mash-up my
face on the keyboooogewghwo gwegb 2525234 !!!
I just had to add that exclamation. Just. Had. To.
shop shpping shopper, Im french
Now lets go on and subscribe
band i tags will work as well
you don’t necessarily need slashes in the br and hr tags, most modern browsers can detect it
You’re bad at kples
thank you <3
It’s so that crap browsers like IE can understand it (IE doesn’t get XHTML, it’s thick like that).
Also, why is he using “strong” and “em” instead of “b” and “i”?
Wait, why do you need the forward slash in a single tag? It works completely fine without it.
The less I can do for you Bucky is to say:
Thanks for teaching us!
God bless u Bucky for spreading knowledge.
hi my name is aki i am very lucky
tip to bold you can just use B and to underline you can use U (no caps)
Bucky said he wanted to change what was under him.