3Ds Max Tutorial – 4 – Creating Basic Objects

How to create some basic object which are known as primitives
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Video tutorial posted 08/02/13
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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thnks for your tuturial,.,.,im following now all your tuturials starting from 1, i promise to finished all your tuturials,.,it helps me a lot cause i dont need to pay for an instructor to teach me about 3ds max,..,.it saves alot of money,.,.thnk you very much and god blees you ad your family,.,.,
Perhaps this is covered in another video, but say I want to create a box in a particular spot , with exact dimensions. After I click the box button, can I type in a starting location, and type in the dimensions?
good job bro ty
alt w to maximize a certain one
taht cone parameter is frustum 🙂
Thanks sir.
How do I add my own texture? Instead of a plain colour
Isn’t there a way to maximize a certain viewport, like you can in Maya by hitting space?
I hate when people start accidentally repeating ‘and then go ahead and..’ for every single sentence. uhhhh
it worked like charm, but when I moved the upper part far away, the middle of the hose went all tiny and weird. Why is that?
thank you , you do good job
u r the awesomest teacher ive ever got.
Who says w t f for what the fuck unless there typing?
your doing exelent job for beginers
actually it’s 3D Studio Max so stop hatin’ and let the man teach ;)
W.T.F. where they go? I can”t ghange the parameters anymore….
good one
“… Go ‘head and…. Well, you don’t know how to create a box yet, but… Go’head and create that…”
To me it’s showing a different picture cus of [Perspective][Realistic] I don’t have those settings for [Smooth+Highlights].
I love it
4:15 taper
got it!