After Effects Tutorial:2: Matte Painting and Tracking (by Nipan)

After Effects Tutorial:2: Matte Painting and Tracking (by Nipan)

After Effects Tutorial:2: Matte Painting (by Nipan) Art Of Media presents Tutorial: Matte Painting and Tracking Effect by NPS (Using Adobe After Effects CS5)
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18 responses to “After Effects Tutorial:2: Matte Painting and Tracking (by Nipan)”

  1. bangash0091 says:

    ohh…thank you so much..

  2. nipanartofmedia says:

    Well all I can say that they didn’t just use Tracker in AE (perhaps tracker plugin also Lens Flairs). Particles were a little bit tricky tho…I’ll see what I would do…

  3. bangash0091 says:

    not much difference…but particles and lens flair..i just want this step by step if u can…

  4. nipanartofmedia says:

    OK I see, but what’s the different than mine?

  5. bangash0091 says:

    oh sorry!!…this is the name..After Effects camera tracking – youtube..

  6. MrMusicfan007 says:

    Great tutorial!

  7. nipanartofmedia says:

    Why can’t I watch it…send me a name of the video then I’ll take a look.

  8. bangash0091 says:

    i said if u can make a tutorial for this video plz…i really like it…im sending u a link as follows..­A&feature=endscreen&NR=1

  9. nipanartofmedia says:


  10. valerio visagli says:

    very nice

  11. nipanartofmedia says:


  12. bangash0091 says:

  13. bangash0091 says:

    hey mate!u did a nice job..i saw this video im sending u a link..can u please show us the tutorial of it please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. nipanartofmedia says:

    Thank you.

  15. googas says:

    good job

  16. greenflamecreations7 says:

    Can you give some tutoeials for Matte painting in NUKe or Fusion and Tracking with PF TRack or Syntheyes ?

  17. nipanartofmedia says:


  18. Anandhu Murali says:

    awesome tut dude!! 🙂

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