Create a Website Fast using Photoshop and Fireworks

Create a Website Fast using Photoshop and Fireworks

This is a beginners tutorial on how to quickly take a Photoshop composition and export it in functional .htm format using the slice tool in Fireworks Cs4. Now please note this is a very basic instruction designed for people unfamiliar with Web Design. But for you veteran Web guys out there, remember presentation is everything, and this is a sure way to impress your clients with functional compositions that… well… function! I will continue to expand on this tutorial more and more as time goes on, highlighting some of the newer more extensive integration between Photoshop and Fireworks. I hope you like this tutorial and please don’t hesitate to stop into as I slowly and steadily build up a nice library of tutorials for all of you design enthusiasts!

Don’t forget to check out our other video tutorials or share this video with a friend.

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18 responses to “Create a Website Fast using Photoshop and Fireworks”

  1. Andre Weidenbach says:

    Very good tutorials. Thanks.

  2. Zaberca David says:

    gtfo you fuckin faggot

  3. howtomakeawebsite5 says:

    Well done thanks.

  4. NeaceDesign says:

    You are entitled to your opinion, even if it wrong. Expectation on Youtube, and well internet videos in general is a more face to face experience.

    I encourage you to place a sticky note over my image, if I am so distracting. <3 xoxox

  5. NeaceDesign says:

    You are far too sweet. Thank you, 🙂

  6. NeaceDesign says:

    Maybe sometime next year I will be able to add to this brand. I am sorry my military comittments have made me unable to contribute to this. I do see the level of shit that is on the internet these days. I have to to financially be set again before I start making these. But the good news is, my deployment ends by the end of this year. Can’t wait to be back. Keep an eye out for me !!! 🙂

  7. Luanna Mascorro says:

    thanks soo much for this tutorials they have helped me lots, keep them coming, ps.. umm you’re hot ..

  8. musne17 says:

    how do you center align the web page?

  9. jckgsl24 says:

    You should continue a series

  10. melafonzo says:

    oh wow,next time don’t have to to webface,i got distract by your cuteness instead of learning anything

  11. rwpatton says:

    why is it , the recent trend is to have Video n Video … we really dont need to see you .. just hear you…

  12. darkdoor999 says:

    Really nice tut.. didn’t know a thing about it till know and i can make my own website now :p
    Thanks =D

  13. Emmanuel James says:

    thx easy

  14. Yofie Setiawan says:

    Thanks man! Really appriciate it! i think i’m going to use this trick to create a web prototype… It’s gonna be very useful!

  15. Mark King says:

    Great stuff, exactly what I was looking for - keep the tips coming! Thanks again!!

  16. TheTVs says:

    Dope track in the background

  17. SHAA1993 says:

    I have a question! If I save my file in photoshop, and than open it in Fireworks, it gets very ugly (like it has less pixels, while I use the same sizes as I did in photoshop). Do you (or does somebody) know what to do?

  18. seanf2 says:

    Hey man. I’m using Fireworks CS3 PC and there is no alignment option on export. Do you know why?

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