Excel VBA Beginner Tutorial – Fundamentals

This tutorial goes through some VBA fundamentals such as how to get access to the developer toolbar and how to create a simple macro using the macro recorder.
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Video tutorial posted 04/02/13
Category: Excel Tutorials
Tags: beginner, Excel, Fundamentals, Tutorial

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I don’t think it matters if you need three keys, why not try it with two, see if it works.
This seems like an excellent introduction to Excel VBA. Thanks a lot!
Hi steve, when you record a macro as by default there is a CTRL shortcut key so hold the SHIFT +A button so it will appear as CTRL+SHIFT+A and also if the CAPS LOCK is on it wont take it as CTRL+SHIFT+A, for it you should off the CAPS LOCK and hold the SHIFT+A at the same.
I can not set a shortcut key as ctrl plus shift plus z
It only alaows me to set ctrl plus one more key, not two
Please for a help
I accidentally muted my video while recording. There is no way I can unmute it? Yeah, it already has been saved into Winamp. Darn! Well, it’s my first time doing a Walkthrough/Playthrough/Let’s Play. I’ll learn.
Well, I have listened to tutorils made by an american(ExcelisFun) for two days now and I´ve understood everything. After ten seconds of your tutorial, I had to rewind cos I couldn´t hear what you were saying. I think your tutorials are good, but please try to slow down the talking and pronounce every word as if you were talking to a retard. It takes a lot of energy from the listener if you have to focus just to hear what you are saying….ciao (and yes,I´m not a native English speaker)
In the box where you type in “A” just hold down the shift key and then type “A”. Don’t press Ctrl while you do this or it wont work.
Ignore me I’ve sussed it but might be helpful to mention what you did..
Followed the instructions parrot fashion but when you did the Shortcut key you set it to CTRL.SHIFT>A but you didnt say how, now I assume you simply hit those keys and it will set as it did for you but it didn’t for me, I can get the A but not the SHIFT, any ideas?
Really helpful, thanks for your time
thanks for nothing.
Great video. Thanks!