Highline Excel Class 04: Style & Number Format & ROUND

Highline Excel Class 04: Style & Number Format & ROUND

Download Excel file: people.highline.edu Learn about: Style Formatting Number Formatting (Date, Time, Currency, Accounting) ROUND function This is a beginning to advanced Excel class taught at Highline Community College by Mike Gel excelisfun Girvin Busn 214 BTech 109
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20 responses to “Highline Excel Class 04: Style & Number Format & ROUND”

  1. ExcelIsFun says:

    You are welcome! I am happy they help! Since our job as humans is to make the world a better place, why not post the videos at YouTube!!

  2. mcccalle says:

    I´m just amazed how many videos you have made about Excel. The ones I have watched are all very pedagic and me being a non native english speaker find your tutorials very easy to listen to and understand. You speak clear, slow and don´t mumble = thumbs up:) I just wonder how you can make some money out of this?? It must have taken a LONG time to record and upload all these vids and then post them on Youtube for free…..well, I´m very thankful for your great work!

  3. ExcelIsFun says:

    I am glad that you like it!

  4. Varun Pinto says:

    shrooooop.. tock!… really enjoying this class!

  5. Geoffioy says:

    Thanks very much for the series of videos! I do learn a lot from them.
    But I would like to know if I can get an email address so that I can ask some questions about excel personally? Thanks very much

  6. reprocessors says:

    i need to contact you , please do let me know how can i do that ??? do send me your email id via personal message at youtube.com , regards

  7. ExcelIsFun says:

    You are welcome!

  8. aligh761 says:

    thank you very much… very helpful

  9. ExcelIsFun says:

    I agree with you!

  10. ExcelIsFun says:

    I am glad that you liked the video!

  11. zyzzyva57 says:

    As an advanced basic user of Excel, I cannot tell you the number of times I have regretted merging cells for a darn title…Maybe in another of your videos I will see why there is even Merge Cells; and if so, why it is not just another one of those esoteric keystrokes you impart
    By the way, why M$ (and other mega corporations) do what they do is because the big shots do not use a product or service the way the customer does…Just call the top programmer to whip by at 2 am Christmas morning 🙂

  12. ExcelIsFun says:

    I am glad the tricks help! I agree, Merge and Center is just a mess. Why does Microsoft even put it on the face of the ribbon!?

  13. zyzzyva57 says:

    This video is packed with useable insights for the average Excel user
    My favorite tips are on how to do Merge Cells without merging, which really causes a mess later, and rounding of numbers

  14. prudhvirajreddyable says:


  15. ExcelIsFun says:

    , I am glad that you like it!

  16. hersheng18 says:

    excellent .. wow!

  17. ExcelIsFun says:

    I am glad that the videos are helpful!

  18. marcelaaugusta says:

    Thank you very much! I thought I knew something about excel but watching your videos I realized I did not. I’ve learned a lot.

  19. ExcelIsFun says:

    You are welcome!

  20. acromath says:

    Best Excel teacher ever!
    Thank you soooooo much!!

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