iMovie Effects

A special effects tutorials for iMovie 09 and 11, this one featuring muzzle flashes, blood hits, and explosions. ****Troubleshooting**** see below: – Make sure you have NOT checked “optimize video” when importing – If you are having trouble with the Picture in Picture, check out my response video below – Ensure your Picture in Picture setting is not set to “fit in frame” PRIOR to inserting your footage – If your footage inserts transparent and looks right when you scrub through it, but doesn’t play in real time in iMovie, don’t worry, it will work fine after export – The most common issue is that the footage isn’t actually pre-keyedThe first in my new series ospecial effects tutorials for iMovie 09 and 11, this one featuring muzzle flashes, blood hit, and explosions. ****Troubleshooting****: – Make sure you have NOT checked “optimize video” when importing – If you are having trouble with the Picture in Picture, check out my response video below – Ensure your Picture in Picture setting is not set to “fit in frame” PRIOR to inserting your footage – If your footage inserts transparent and looks right when you scrub through it, but doesn’t play in real time in iMovie, don’t worry, it will work fine after export – The most common issue is that the footage isn’t actually pre-keyed
Video Tutorial Rating: 4 / 5
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Video tutorial posted 08/02/13

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Great can u teach us how u can do this on the iPod iPhone and iPad ? I think it would be interesting if u did so .
Is there any way to make an audio visualizer/equalizer that interacts with the music in the clip? similar to the sidebar effects on the videos that vitaldubstep uploads. If there is can you help me out?
Hey, whenever I put in the muzzle flash in the footage the footage and the muzzle flash freeze up. I can still here the sound. Why is that? Please help.
Hey, when I put the picture in, it does not move at all. It’s just a plain picture when I play it through the movie. Any advice?
Yay! Thank You so much! 🙂
There are some sound effects on this site: findsounds
SO AWESOME, thanks! 😀
Im sorry but my imovie is acting up I have the fire in the shot but i cant make it lower than .8 seconds which makes it look like there is a ball of fire on the screen it also does not work whenever i make it go full screen why is this not happening
Imagine a world without Youtube. This will could take hours to find.
Thanks dude. Thumb up.
what did you use for the sound effects. btw i got my vid fixed
My effect just took up all the frames and just made it all go still and then it played but where i placed it is just frozen. and then i cant cut or anything! so i have gone through 5 videos trying to get it to work!
i do the same thing with the timeline being on the bottom. I’ve been using imovie like that since i got my mac
Awesome tips can wait till i have my imac to create my videos