iMovie Pro Tips

iMovie Pro Tips

Some great tips for getting the most out of iMovie. Including: Pasting effects, changing the layout, using metadata, and deleted unused media.

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18 responses to “iMovie Pro Tips”

  1. easyvideocretaion says:

    I found a very easy way to create and publish videos. I can’tI post the link here but if you go to my profile you’ll see it on the description of my profile

  2. ehershman22 says:

    This was extreamly helpful!!!! thank u!!!

  3. adam Bird says:

    hey matt what was your first apple product

  4. 1996ToInfiniti says:

    What should i export in?! MPEG-4 Video?

  5. MakeupMaverick says:

    What do you think of the Canon Powershot SX50 HS vs the T3i or T4i, which is better or are there any differences as far as video capabilities…I use my camera strictly for video purposes…I need to take a photography class…

  6. Iconlandry12 says:

    Is this 11

  7. eastlake93 says:

    Extremely helpful. Can I adjust the size of the preview screen or is this a 27′

  8. thefurquan101 says:

    Your a legend !!!

  9. Taylor Crawford says:

    I wanna upgrade cause it doesn’t work

  10. ottoroboto21 says:

    Would any care to check out my channel? I make short films, gopro videos, and other videos. I am starting out and would really appreciate criticism, views, and subscriptions/likes. I hope to one day be a film maker so the support would be appreciated.

  11. Matthew Pearce says:

    I’m glad to hear that, since that is my main goal with videos like this.

  12. PandaCatGuy says:

    Maaaan this guy has really helped me…

  13. jerry41799 says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. BigG Protuctions says:

    are you like a billionaire or something, you have like all cameras, iPhone 5 ,ipad mini and everything???? , but thanks 🙂

  15. YAN AMARANTE says:


  16. Matthew Pearce says:

    I think that footage was from the Canon T3i.

  17. Patricia Roca says:

    What camera did you use for that footage? 🙂 and thank you for posting this

  18. kenhermans says:

    Didn’t know lots of this stuff, thanks!

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